In-Office Sedation

Our pediatric dentists may recommend a local anesthetic when your child receives treatment. This simple, in-office sedation helps dull pain and prevent discomfort in part or all of your child’s mouth and may be used in combination with other forms of dental sedation to ensure they have the most comfortable experience possible.

Local and Topical Anesthesia

Local and topical anesthetics work to numb specific areas. Most local anesthetics are provided with an injection. However, a topical anesthetic such as a numbing gel may also be applied to ensure your child is comfortable while receiving a local anesthetic. Most patients who receive a topical anesthetic do not feel the injection needle, though they may feel a slight “sting” as the anesthetic moves into their oral tissues.

Before your child receives a local anesthetic, please speak with our pediatric dentists. We will discuss your child’s medical history and any allergies they have as well as any medications, supplements, vitamins or over-the-counter drugs they are taking. Reviewing this information will help us ensure that your child remains safe and comfortable during their treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

The effects of local anesthesia typically last for several hours, though a reversal anesthetic is available to reduce this waiting time. Your child may have difficulty chewing or speaking clearly while they are numb. If possible, help your child avoid chewing as they may bite down on the numb area and injure themselves without being aware of it. Children may also chew on or play with the numbed areas of their mouths, so please watch your child closely until they are no longer numb to prevent them from causing harm to themselves.

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