Pediatric Sedation Dentistry - McLean, VA

Here at McLean Pediatric Dentistry, we make your child’s health and comfort our highest priorities. We want your child to feel at ease and have a positive dental experience when they visit our pediatric dental team. One of the ways we help them do this is through our McLean sedation dentistry treatment options.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a type of treatment involving the use of medication to help your child feel more relaxed, calm and comfortable. The goal of sedation dentistry is to help your child receive the care they need without anxiety or fear.

When Should Children Receive Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry is typically recommended for children who:

  • Require complex or lengthy treatments
  • Are extremely fearful or anxious
  • Have high gag reflexes
  • Have special needs
  • Have difficulty getting numb

Sedation Options

Our pediatric dentists and team offer several types of sedation, including:

In-Office Sedation
Nitrous Oxide
IV Sedation

We will discuss your child’s comfort levels and oral health needs with you to determine which type of sedation is right for their needs. During their appointment, your child will be closely monitored to ensure that they remain comfortable and safe. We will provide detailed instructions on how you can prepare your child to receive dental sedation – please follow these instructions closely, as they are designed to increase comfort and reduce your child’s stress as well as any risk factors they may have.

A New Dental Experience for Your Child

To learn more about pediatric sedation dentistry in McLean, VA, and to schedule an appointment with our experienced pediatric dentists and team, please contact our office at (703) 356-1875.

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